Leo DiCaprio and the missing Oscar

It’s that time of the year again: nominations have come out, people are rushing to the cinema and actors are picking out their best look. What am I talking about? The Oscars of course! It was no surprise to find a very old friends of ours in the nominees for Best Actor in Leading Role, Leonardo DiCaprio. His latest movie, The Revenant, received the incredible number of 12 nominations, including Best Supporting Actor for Tom Hardy and Best Picture.

After an incredible number of losses throughout the years, this movie might be the proof that Leonardo DiCaprio will do pretty much anything to win the Oscar this year. While he keeps insisting prizes aren’t important to him, it’s all about the love for the job

I think anyone would rather say “Oh have you seen the Oscar I won for Best Actor?” (I know I would!). It only took a couple of days before the Internet burst into articles about the incredibly crazy stuff DiCaprio has done in his latest movie, including eating RAW BISON LIVER. Is it even humanly possible to eat that without feeling sick to the stomach? I’m guessing it wasn’t just for the sake of the art…

I mean, sleeping in animal carcasses? OVER MY DEAD BODY. This obviously paved the way for what we all knew would come.. New Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar memes!

Could this finally be the year that all of Leo’s dreams come true? Maybe not. The actor also received the Golden Globe Award for his performance in The Revenant and, according to the press, it was only a way to soften him up to the news that that beautiful golden statue is nowhere in sight for him. Highlights from the evening also included Leo and Lady Gaga’s encounter as she was on her way to the stage after winning the Golden Globe for her performance in American Horror Story: Hotel.


His face is everything.

Fans on the Internet also started criticizing his work in The Revenant, saying that if he had to win an Oscar, it would have been for either The Great Gatsby, The Wolf of Wall Street or (guess what?) Titanic. Because let’s face it, after Jack Dawson, it can only be a downwoard spiral.